BSI Product Inspections: A Unique Service

In in order to maximise the quality of work at every stage of the cutting, bending, punching, welding, or fabricating process St Anns Sheet Metal have introduced a fiercely demanding system of product inspections at every stage of the project development.

This means acquiring the highest quality product for the customer and reaching the maximum potential from each machine operator. This was part of our ongoing commitment to meet and exceed the standards required by our clients.Product inspections sheet

With some sheet metal companies not even implementing an inspection process customers would be moving over to St. Ann’s to find that high quality and value they needed. For these companies the choice was simple: no more missed deadlines, no more poor quality work and no more spending over budget.

This all changed once again when we hired a full time member of staff specifically to undertake product inspections at every stage and approve them to continue through the process. This has since eliminated wasted time and money, both for us and our clients. This may well be one of the main reasons we continue to exceed the requirements of our BSI certificate that certifies our quality management in sheet metal work.

The General Manager on Product Inspections

newsletter22Richard Atkin, general manager of St. Anns sheet metal, said: “The peace of mind it has offered our customers has really helped to assure us of its value. The process is quite unique and while it does mean sometimes we have to come down hard on small inaccuracies, we are all very proud to demonstrate that we rarely miss deadlines, lose customers money or send out any imperfect products.”

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