Oil Collection Container Improvements
We recently worked with a customer to design an oil collection container from stainless steel for measuring used oil in a central chamber. The principle is that they will collect the oil, clean it and use it as bio-fuel.
They brought a model of the proposed shape. It was then the task of Saint Ann’s project engineer Graham to come up with some designs and sent them over for consideration. We received the job on the basis of those designs and received the first order for 1165.
After meeting the initial criteria, we decided to look at enhancements for the product. Very often our work is just simplifying to save our customers time and money,such as replacing continuous cutting, cleaning and welding with a simple bending tool. Undoubtedly, the glass plate was the biggest change. The glass was used to gauge the amount of oil contained inside. Through a smarter design with both components and labour implemented into the design by Graham this saved up 80% of the original cost, while we increased many design functions in the process. Another further change was that the plastic wheels that had been replaced with rubber. It had become clear in practice that they needed to be appropriate for various terrains as well as different weights. The rubber wheels are proving to be much more effective. It is even expected that another change could be in the pipeline, as there are now discussions about a quick lift top.
We bend the tank into place with only one seam to weld. Once welded, we test it by standing it for four hours filled with water. As water is thinner than oil it can easily allow us to spot any leaks. We cut and produce all the components before fitting them and sending them off to be cleaned and labelled. Every product is individually numbered. They are then collected and delivered on site.
We recently had another order aimed at replacing wheelie bins that had been being used to store oil for collection. We are all very pleased with the deign and look forward to seeing more of the same and better during 2016.
More design Improvements on this product here