Quality At The Heart of What We Do.
From our previous posts, you'll be aware that quality is at the heart of what we do at St. Anns. With that in mind we want to take some time to congratulate our very own Hesura on securing the position of Quality Control Officer!
The need for the new position was identified as a way to help the business learn, grow and adapt to changing regulation and customer standards. Hesura has been with St. Anns since the 29th of November 2021 and joined us as the Technical Systems Support Coordinator. In his previous role he was responsible for working with the shop floor to keep costs down. This meant that he was involved with the end to end manufacturing process on every level. It was this level of involvement, and enthusiasm, that made giving him the job a no brainer!
What's The Role Entail?
Quite a lot actually! Speaking to Hesura he let us know about what his new role is all about!
"I am responsible for the reviewing our processes to make sure they comply with regulatory changes as well as changes in our customer demand. This will mean reviewing what we already have in place to make adjustments to our processes as well as rolling out brand new ones to make sure we're providing our customers with the quality they need."
Hesura went on to clarify that this will involve working with all levels of the business at all stages of the quality process, from sales, to production, to delivery.
"My role will be to highlight where we can make improvements and before getting them out on the floor. This will mean finding out where things go wrong and putting steps in place to fix it. This will mean reviewing the end to end process from purchasing, to floor performance and taking action where needed. This can range from suggesting changes to back office processes to training on the shop floor."
It sounds like a lot of work, but Hesura is eager to get started. I'm sure you'll all join me to wish Hesura the best of luck in his new role!