What We've Learnt From Launching Our Powder Coating Service.
It's after giving our readers a two week break from posts about our new Powder Coating service we thought it was time to go through our journey to share the lessons learnt from this massive undertaking. It wasn't easy turning an empty space, previously used as a makeshift warehouse, into a fully functional and productive service. Especially as the space available wasn't ideally suited for the task at hand.
This meant that it was a struggle to get all the equipment into the space provided. This included a loading bay for goods coming from the factory across the way, racking to store products coming into and out of the paint line, three baths for washing and prepping parts, an oven for drying the parts after prep, a spray booth, a second oven for drying the painted goods, with an area for drying and quality checking the parts. A tall order, especially when maintaining enough room for our operators to move around and work in a safe and comfortable manner.

Sounds Difficult?
Certainly was! To get around these issues we firstly had to start getting clever with the space that was available. This included angling the racking just right to minimise the turning circle needed by the pallet truck, having the stairs leading into the paint workshop removed and put at an angle and getting creative with the space for the compressor. It also involved working closely with our partners at RDM Engineering to maximise the space we had available.
So How's It Gone?
So far the paint line has been exceeding our expectations and the expectations of our customers. Whilst there was some concerns about operating a full paint plant in such a tight space, the creative thinking, attention to detail and determination over the course of the project has really made the most of what we had to work with. On top of that the quality of the equipment we've invested in means that we're able to achieve a high standard of quality right out of the gate. It would also be wrong of us not to mention the fantastic new members to the team, who's years of experience and skill has been fundamental in getting this project over the line.
We've still got a lot to learn about our new service, but that's all part of the fun. We're pleased with how this project has gone and are already on the look out for the next way to improve our services and what we can offer customers!